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Affordable quality composite decking, cladding and more

#GermanEngineering #AfricanStrength


Strict German Quality Standards

Zero Water consumption

WPC Made of Invasive Bush

Available in South Africa, Namibia, SADC, the UAE and Germany

Namibian Acacia Tree
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Our Product

Environmentally Conscious


Made from intruder bush threatening the natural ecology of Namibia. The removal of intruder bush assists in restoring the indigenous savanna landscape.

Economic Growth


The production process stimulates job creation in Namibia.

Recycled Plastic


Wood fibres are mixed with a polymer made from recycled milk bottles.

Carbon Footprint


Production process targeted to become CO2-neutral.

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What We Offer
Acacia-Composites Manufacturers A lettermark
A product that looks good and does good. Our decking, wall cladding, and battens not only look beautiful, but are affordable, durable, sustainable, and eco-friendly as well.
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Our Product Range

Acacia Composites offers 3 exceptional products under 3 categories:

Decking, Cladding and Battens

These are available in a range of colors and finishes.

Not interested in purchasing but reselling? Acacia Composites offers you the opportunity to sell our composite wood products, under your own brand.

The Possibilities Are Endless



  • What are Acacia Composites?
    Acacia Composites are products like decking, cladding, and battens that are made out of a mixture of wood fibres and an environmentally friendly polymer created using high-quality recycled plastic bottles.
  • Where do you get the materials used to make Acacia Composites?
    The wood fibres are sourced from conservation efforts to remove intruder bush threatening the natural environment of Namibia and the polymer is created from recycled plastic milk bottles from Southern Africa.
  • How do I know I am getting a quality product?
    Acacia Composites are subjected to rigorous testing and must comply with strict, certified, German quality standards. Our products are also child and pet friendly.
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